Classic Sci-Fi Strategy Game Xcom: Enemy Within is Dirt Cheap Right Now

Looking for some super-polished triple-A action on your iPhone or iPad this week? Only got a couple of bucks to spend to get that? Well you’re in luck, because Xcom: Enemy Within is currently on sale for the ridiculously low price of $1.99. That follows on the heels of the recent release of the games sequel, Xcom 2.

The game is a tight and tense turn-based strategy game that sees you leading a squad of soldiers into skirmishes against alien invaders. Everything is brilliantly balanced, and there’s an addictive nature to the experience that’s going to keep you glued to your device for hours on end.

As well as murdering extra-terrestrial attackers, you need to build up your base to unlock new skills and technology. There’s always something to do, always some new challenge to try, and a brilliant story keeps things moving along too.

Throw in multiplayer, loads of extra content and a whole lot more and you’re onto a winner. Put a $1.99 price tag on all of that, and you’re left with that sort of deal that anyone should be taking advantage of right this second.

You can grab Xcom: Enemy Within from the App Store by clicking right here. If you haven’t played the game yet, we’d highly recommend picking it while it’s unbelievably cheap.

Got some thoughts to share about Xcom: Enemy Within? Well, stick them in the comments section at the bottom of this here paragraph. Go on, you know you want to.