Feature image for our Genshin Impact Lynette tier list. It shows a head and shoulders promotional picture of the character, Lynette.

Genshin Impact Lynette Tier List (April 2024)

Finally got your hands on Lynette but not sure where to go from there? We can help! Our Genshin Impact Lynette tier list covers everything you need to know to get your build up and running to peak performance.

Lynette is a new character in Genshin Impact, a huge fantasy RPG that is available on Android and iOS and includes a rich story as well as unique characters to collect. For more information about the lore and the game, check out the official website.

Genshin Impact Lynette Tier List (2024)

  • S-Tier: Freedom-Sworn, Iron Sting, Xiphos’s Moonlight
  • A-Tier: Favonius Sword, Wolf-Fang
  • B-Tier: Sacrificial Sword, Toukabou Shigure
  • C-Tier: More information soon!
  • D-Tier: More information soon!

Equippable Weapon List

  • Favonius Sword
  • Freedom-Sworn
  • Iron Sting
  • Sacrificial Sword
  • Toukabou Shigure
  • Wolf-Fang
  • Xiphos’s Moonlight

What The Tiers Mean

Here we cover what our tiers mean.

S Tier List

The weapons for the characters, and deemed the strongest when it comes to how they match. We recommend trying to obtain an S-tier as soon as possible.

A Tier List

Fantastic weapons and great replacements if you don’t manage to get your hands on an S tier. They can be used to help you clear content.

B Tier List

Not the best in terms of strength but they’re good fillers at the start of the game. They can be used as a support choice while you work toward a higher tier

C Tier List

It’s best to avoid using these, especially if you want to clear content efficiently.

D Tier List

Not worth upgrading or using at all and should be avoided completely.

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About The Game

Genshin Impact is one of the most popular gacha games as of right now. Explore the world of Teyvat as a variety of characters, and complete an abundance of quests on your travels. You can collect a ton of different characters with unique abilities, ranging from 4-star to 5-star. Enjoy recurring events where you can earn quite a few rewards, and play in co-op mode with friends.