Tales of Wind

Laplace M has Launched Across the Globe on iOS as Tale of Wind

Laplace M, the mobile version of the hit PC MMORPG, has finally launched across the globe as Tale of Wind in western regions.

It offers a bit of a fresh air for the mobile MMORPG market, with less of a focus on autoplay and a greater focus on working together as a team.

Tale of Wind is Laplace M’s Global Release

Sure, there’s a single player storyline to complete, which features cutscenes, voice acting, and a wide variety of quests to complete and bosses to defeat.

But the main bulk of the experience involves participating in a wide variety of group content. There’s PvE dungeons, escort missions, hunts, and quests, as well as PvP stuff like arena battling.

You’ll grow in power as you take on the wealth of content, which provides even more stuff to do. There’s so much stuff to do in this game it’s insane.

So head on over to the App Store right now and check out this awesome new MMORPG.