Relaxing Bird-Based Card Game Wingspan Coming to iPhone and iPad Next Month

Birds are pretty chill, flying around, singing songs, having feathers. And Wingspan is a game all about enticing birds to come and hang out of your nature preserve. It’s based on the physical board game of the same name, and it’s coming to iPhone and iPad in July.

Wingspan has been out on other, less portable platforms for a while, and it’s received plenty of acclaim both in digital and physical form. You can play multiplayer games with up to five players, and there’s single player content to sink your beak into if you fancy as well.

There are loads of birds to woo in the game, and you’ll be able to listen to their unique songs too. It all just sounds really nice and lovely and like hanging out in a summer meadow but with cards instead of ants.

The pre-order page for Wingspan is already live on the App Store. Click here and you can be all like, hey I want this when it comes out please Apple. When DOES it come out? That’s an excellent question. And the answer is it comes out on July 20th.

Wingspan will cost $9.99 when it launches on iOS next month. And if you like birds, cards, and bird-cards, then you’re in for an absolute treat.